
Harmony Validator in: United States

Findora Validator in: United States

"TillyONE is a network of validators to keep your stake close to home."  

... Background & Mission ...

Senior Systems Administrator with over ten years in the Information Technology sector. Always reading up on new technologies.

Started buying crypto in mid-2019. Found & staked in HarmonyONE crypto-currency since early 2021. Found & staked in Findora Web3.0 in 2022.

Active on Reddit for over five years. Always reading up on r/SysAdmin, r/CryptoCurrency, r/harmony_one, r/findora & r/harmony_markets.

Validator network goals: Help decentralize FRA & ONE, participate more in their growth & help others learn about PoS bloc

... Why Stake with TillyONE? ...

My passion for IT and investment in cyptocurrency makes becoming a validator the "next logical step" for me. This isn't a business where one can retire overnight (or anytime soon) & I am OK with that. I want to gain the experience to help others make crypto easy for everyday use. 

Amount Staked:

21,854,758 ONE

2,395,425 FRA

As of 11/20/2023
